● Readership
Enquiries and Applications

Enquiries and applications for readership should be directed to the Clerk, and will be treated in confidence.
Simon Walker (Clerk)
Applicants are asked, along with a covering letter, to provide a copy of their curriculum vitae and academic transcripts, and indicate whether they propose to participate in the May or September Bar Practice Course.
Please note that applications for readers’ positions for the 2026 Bar Practice Courses have now closed.
Applications for the May and September 2027 intakes both close on 31 October 2025, with interviews taking place in early November.
Applicants who are working or studying abroad can be interviewed by telephone or video-link.
The 7th Floor accepts two readers each year, who start in both the May and September Bar Practice Courses run by the NSW Bar Association.
We provide our readers with the support essential to establishing a successful career at the Bar, including:
Accommodation for the first 12 months at the Bar (with no charges for either rent or floor fees). Readers are accommodated in the first year on the main floor.
A tutor from among our senior junior barristers.
Civil reading with barristers from the 7th Floor.
Immediate opportunities to run cases, cross-examine and argue legal submissions through the 7th Floor’s unique relationship with the Marrickville Legal Centre.
Participation in the 7th Floor’s social events, in-house CPD/CLE programs, and marketing activities.
Practice management support from our experienced Clerk and chambers staff.
Following their reading year, our readers are typically offered annual licenses to remain part of the 7th Floor in our annex.
The 7th Floor is committed to equality of opportunity, and has adopted the NSW Bar Association’s Best Practice Guidelines for:
Harassment, Discrimination, Vilification and Victimisation;
Parental and Other Extended Leave (in full); and
Grievance Handling.
In addition, 7th Floor members subscribe to the Law Council of Australia’s Equitable Briefing Policy.
The 7th Floor accepts two readers each year, who start in both the May and September Bar Practice Courses run by the NSW Bar Association.
We provide our readers with the support essential to establishing a successful career at the Bar, including:
Accommodation for the first 12 months at the Bar (with no charges for either rent or floor fees). Readers are accommodated in the first year on the main floor.
A tutor from among our senior junior barristers.
Civil reading with barristers from the 7th Floor.
Immediate opportunities to run cases, cross-examine and argue legal submissions through the 7th Floor’s unique relationship with the Marrickville Legal Centre.
Participation in the 7th Floor’s social events, in-house CPD/CLE programs, and marketing activities.
Practice management support from our experienced Clerk and chambers staff.
Following their reading year, our readers are typically offered annual licenses to remain part of the 7th Floor in our annex.
The 7th Floor is committed to equality of opportunity, and has adopted the NSW Bar Association’s Best Practice Guidelines for:
Harassment, Discrimination, Vilification and Victimisation;
Parental and Other Extended Leave (in full); and
In addition, 7th Floor members subscribe to the Law Council of Australia’s Equitable Briefing Policy.
Grievance Handling.